Data Processing

  • Structured Data
    Technology Advantage

    The Growing Source of ESI: Structured Data and Messaging Platforms

    It takes a minute to come to terms with the definitions of "structured" and "unstructured" data. It seems logical to associate “formatting,” such as the formatting that comes with word documents (indentation, headers and footers, paragraphs, etc.) with “structure,” but the terms are used very differently when it comes to describing data. This blog will explore structured data, particularly as it pertains to the preservation, collection, processing, review and production of such data, using the Slack instant communication tool as an example.

  • Gnarly World of Native Files
    Technology Advantage

    Part Three of ESI Basics: The Gnarly World of Native Files

    This is Part Three of a continuing series on ESI basics. In this series, we cover some of the terms used most often on the tech-side of e-discovery. In Part One, we provided an overview of PSTs. You can find that article here. In Part Two, we provided a primer on data processing. You can find that article here.  Whether this is an introduction to you or a refresher, and whether you are an attorney, member of an in-house team or data analyst, this information may come in handy in your practice.

  • Part Two of ESI Basics: Processing
    Technology Advantage

    Part Two of ESI Basics: Processing

    This is Part Two of a continuing series on ESI basics. In this series, we cover some of the terms used most often on the tech-side of e-discovery. In Part One, my colleague, we provided an overview of PSTs. You can find that article here. Whether this is an introduction to you or a refresher, and whether you are an attorney, member of an in-house team or data analyst, this information may come in handy in your practice.

  • Part One of ESI Basics: PSTs
    Technology Advantage

    Part One of ESI Basics: PSTs

    This is Part One of a continuing series on ESI basics. In this series, we will cover some of the terms used most often on the tech-side of e-discovery. Whether this is an introduction to you, or a refresher, and whether you are an attorney, member of an in-house team, or data analyst, we think this information may come in handy in your practice.